Moving On, Without Burning a Bridge

You just accepted the offer for a new full-time position. The job pays more and has a ton of potential for career growth.
So why aren’t you turning cartwheels? Oh, that’s right – there’s still one (uncomfortable) piece of business to attend to. Namely, quitting your current job.
Regardless of how satisfied or frustrated you are with your current employer, take the high road when notifying your boss of your intent to leave. Giving your two weeks’ notice in a professional manner ensures that you won’t burn a bridge – so you can use the employer as a reference and resource in the future.
What’s the best way to tell your boss that you’re moving on? Follow these steps from PrideStaff’s employment experts:
- Expect some awkwardness. It’s pretty much unavoidable! Realize, however, that the discomfort is only temporary. With proper planning, you can exit with grace and keep your reputation intact.
- Put it in writing. Draft a brief, professionally written letter of resignation that lists your final day of work.
- Keep your plans under wraps. Though you might be tempted, resist the urge to tell anyone else until you’ve spoken with your boss.
- Request a meeting. It may be easier to send an email or leave a voicemail, but it’s far less respectful. Give your employer the professional courtesy of submitting your resignation in person. Having a letter prepared will make the process easier, as will planning what you want to say.
- Thank your employer. Even if you can’t stand your job, the culture or your boss, express your appreciation for the opportunity to work there.
- Work together to create a transition plan. Follow your boss’ lead to work out the details for transferring your responsibilities. Reassure your employer that you will do whatever you can to ensure a smooth transition for whoever replaces you.
- Be ready for a counter offer. With unemployment rates the lowest they’ve been in years, managers are doing whatever it takes to keep their best employees – including offering them raises and promotions. Use these tips from an earlier post to handle a counter offer the right way.
- Get connected. If you aren’t already, connect with your boss and co-workers on LinkedIn so you can stay in touch.
- Be prepared for it to be your last day. In some cases, an employer may turn down your offer to stay on for two more weeks. If you are asked to clear out immediately, handle yourself professionally.
- Keep your mouth shut. While it might feel satisfying to tell-off a toxic co-worker before you leave, or to speak your mind about your unhappiness with the pay, schedule, management or work environment, don’t do it! Bite your tongue and keep yourself in check. Your discretion will protect your professional reputation in the long-run.
Contemplating a job change? PrideStaff can help.
If you’re currently working but are not happy in your job, it’s important to remember that you do have options.
Make PrideStaff one of those options. Our staffing specialists can help you examine your skills, interests and career goals. We can conduct a confidential job search on your behalf while you continue working.
With offices across the nation, and a wide range of administrative jobs, professional jobs, IT jobs and light industrial jobs, we can match you with an opportunity you truly love. Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about great local job opportunities.