How to Show You Care at Work

Every job has its challenging aspects.

Everyone has their “off days.”

But that doesn’t mean you should slog through your workday like a zombie! If you want to get ahead in your career, you have to put in the effort. Make sure you don’t sabotage your success by unintentionally giving your boss the impression that you don’t care about your job.

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Things You Do at Work that Say, “I Don’t Care About My Job”:

  • Failing to follow up. Supervisors need project updates. Coworkers depend on you to pull your weight. If you don’t regularly touch base to keep others aware of what you’re doing, it sends the unspoken message that you don’t give a hoot about your work – or internal customers’ needs.
  • Listening with half an ear. We all do it: pretending to listen to a coworker or customer, while simultaneously checking email, thumbing through our phones, or just zoning out. The problem? People can tell when your attention is divided, and they feel unimportant or like a bother as a result.
  • Dragging your feet when responding to emails or calls. We all have overflowing inboxes. But if you think a slow response is just par for the course, think again. Failing to reply to others – whether they’re customers, clients, or fellow employees – is simply rude.
  • Not volunteering to help. When things get busy, problems pop up or a coworker is struggling, employees who truly care about their work step up. If you idly sit by when your team needs you, it’s a clear sign you’re mentally checked out.
  • Lashing out. Hey, everyone gets frustrated and stressed at work. But if you take those upset emotions out on customers or coworkers, you’re demonstrating how little you value them – or your job.
  • Pointing fingers. When you make a mistake on the job, do you own it? Or do you play the blame game? Attempting to throw a subordinate, peer, or manager under the bus when things go wrong is self-serving behavior – and evidence that you just don’t care.
  • Failing to thank others. It’s easy, simple and free. It shows you really care. And if you don’t take the time to thank others when you should, your silence speaks volumes for you.

Think you may be sending the wrong message?

These two posts provide tips to help you address the root cause and course-correct:

Getting Promoted: How to Show Interest in Career Growth the Right Way

5 Reasons Why You Didn’t Land That Promotion

Looking for a job you really care about?

We can help with that! PrideStaff’s team of employment experts can help you find a job you love. Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about great local job opportunities.