PrideStaff Bend

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Matt and Ashley Ertle, Owners/Strategic-Partners

Industries served
Professional services (accounting, finance, purchasing, logistics, customer service), supervisors (warehouse managers, production managers), light industrial (assembly and production).

What makes us unique
We understand the nuances of being in a small market with a high cost of living. We are nimble and effective in finding opportunities.

I’m local and invested in the community. My background includes a variety of corporate business activities, and my passion is working with the businesses and people of Bend.

What we love about Bend
We are a very innovative city.

Recruiting executives, managers or supervisors in Bend?
Our new professional recruiting division, G.A. Rogers & Associates, can help you uncover leadership talent in a variety of industries.

Leveraging PrideStaff’s proven processes, nationwide resources, and industry-leading acquisition strategies, G. A. Rogers & Associates makes it fast, simple and effective to hire high performers who will thrive in your organization.

Connect with a professional recruiter today!