Career Plan Now to Earn More in 2023

Looking to offset rising costs by increasing your paycheck in 2023? If you’re considering a career move in 2023, it’s time to start planning. People that go into a new year with a career plan will end the year earning more!
Here are tips and strategies to plan effectively for 2023 and beyond:
Update your resume.
Prepare for future opportunities by updating your resume to reflect new skills, experience, achievements, awards, and training.
Identify your job needs.
What do you love about your current role? And what do you wish you could change? Spending time thinking about what makes your work meaningful to you is a valuable exercise that will help you find job opportunities that fit your needs.
List your transferable skills.
Perhaps your job title is warehouse associate, but you work on a tightly-knit team that regularly hits production goals. Teamwork is a skill that can be applied to a great number of other jobs, and you likely have many such transferable skills. Consider listing them on your resume, especially if those skills are relevant to your desired new role.
Write down your career goals.
What would you like to accomplish in the next year? The following 5 years? Research shows that those who write down their goals are far more likely to achieve them. Setting SMART goals can help you chart a clear path to success!
Explore your resources.
Do you have a mentor you can turn to for advice? Does your employer offer a career development program? Career planning involves leveraging training opportunities, online courses, or workshops to help you reach your goals.
Create an action plan.
Now that you’ve updated your resume and reviewed your skills, needs, and resources, it’s time to create an action plan to carry you toward your career goal. Write down the concrete steps you need to take, create a system to track your progress, and review your action plan regularly to help you stay on track. Bonus tip: rewarding yourself for making progress toward your goal will help create momentum!
Need help career planning?
Let PrideStaff help! Our knowledgeable recruiters can help you identify fantastic opportunities, perfect your resume, and coach you through the interview process. Contact your local PrideStaff office to start your search for a great new job today.
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