How to Properly Bait Your Hiring Hook

Regardless of the available job – or which side of the desk you sit on – every interview is about selling (not fishing – although the analogy certainly is appropriate). The employer must explain why his organization and the job are a great opportunity for the candidate; likewise, the candidate must convince the potential employer why he’s the best person for the job.

In today’s employment market, candidates are in short supply. Like so many fishermen on a pier, employers drop their lines into the talent pool – hoping to attract the right job seeker’s attention and get him to bite.

Of course, having the right “lure” makes all the difference. So in your next interview, use these tips from PrideStaff to properly “bait your hiring hook” and skillfully sell your job opportunity to the best fish candidate:

Share your enthusiasm.
Top job seekers are savvy. They process countless verbal and nonverbal cues during the interview, looking for clues about company culture and employee satisfaction. Make sure you’re sending the right message. Throughout the interview, keep your enthusiasm level high. Communicate, through your posture, gesture and words, how much you enjoy your position – and working for your organization.

Hit candidates’ hot buttons.
Think like a candidate: in addition to earning a competitive wage, what else would entice you to take this job? Consider intangibles which are just as important as money, such as:  exceptional benefits; challenging work with opportunities for learning and advancement; convenient location; flexible work options; a performance/salary review after six months; tuition reimbursement; and mentoring opportunities.

Move beyond job responsibilities. 
Before you conduct an interview, make sure you truly understand what makes the job and your company special. When you know this, you can actively promote the upsides of your opportunity and create “opportunity gaps” in the candidate’s mind, which are significant differences between your position and others he may be considering.

Get a better fishing rod.
In other words, trust your search to experts! A recruiting firm like PrideStaff specializes in attracting the best candidates, especially in industries or locations where they’re the hardest to find.

We help you hire more successfully, by actively selling the upsides of your opportunity to qualified candidates. Best of all? You only pay a fee if you hire a candidate we refer, and we guarantee our results. Learn more about PrideStaff’s On Target fulfillment process today.