How to Tell if Your Current Job Isn’t Right for You

The average person spends a whopping 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime.
That’s a long time to spend in the wrong job.
No job is a bed of roses all the time (that’s why they call it work, right?). And if you fundamentally enjoy your responsibilities, your fellow employees and your work environment, occasional periods of stress or frustration are tolerable. But if you see signs like the ones below, it may be time to look for greener pastures:
- You’ve mentally checked out.
Feeling disengaged or unmotivated? Volunteering for special projects less frequently? Stopped caring about the quality of your work? Apathy will reflect in your job performance – and sooner or later, that diminished quality and productivity will negatively impact your resume and employability. If you’re just “phoning it in” and can’t renew your enthusiasm for your current job, it might be time to start looking elsewhere. - You’re underappreciated.
Does your boss tell you when you’ve done a great job? Do your co-workers connect with and respect you? Does your employer demonstrate a commitment to your health, happiness and success (i.e., through wellness, reward and recognition programs)? Great organizations value their employees and build cultures where individuals feel truly appreciated. Not feeling the love? Your job with your current employer might not be right for you. - You’re bored to tears.
Every job has its dull days and routine work, but a job that’s completely devoid of challenge won’t move you forward in your career. Take stock of the opportunities available within your current organization. Talk to your supervisor about taking on additional responsibilities and how to prepare yourself for a promotion. If you can’t find a clear way to get sufficient challenge and variety to keep you passionate about your work, it could be a sign to move on.
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Feel like you’re stuck on the side of the career highway changing a flat tire, while your friends and co-workers are speeding past you with raises, promotions and great new jobs? Read “Does Your Career Path Need GPS” for help getting a clear career course plotted to guide your decision-making.
Then join PrideStaff’s Talent Network. Regardless of why you want to make a change – more challenge, greater flexibility, better growth prospects – our experts will take the time to understand what you really want from your career, and then help you get it.
What are you waiting for? If your current job isn’t right for you, register with your local PrideStaff office or search jobs here.