Instead of Saying “No” Look for Ways to Grow

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” –Maya Angelou
Have you ever heard someone refer to a “problem” as an “opportunity”?
If so, there’s a reason people reframe challenges as opportunities for success—it works.
Falling short is a bummer, but success often lies in the next attempt. Mistakes are great teachers, and sometimes failure inspires future success. The challenge is to keep trying.
Even if you don’t always succeed, you’ll be developing a positive attitude that supervisors, colleagues, and potential employers will admire.
The next time you find yourself presented with a seemingly impossible challenge at work—pause. When you find yourself about to say “no,” “I can’t,” or “that’s not my job,” think about what you might learn from the opportunity.
Here are a few tips for maintaining a positive attitude in challenging circumstances:
- Surround yourself with positive people. Depending on your work environment, you might not be able to choose your companions. However, when you do have a choice, spend your time with people who have a positive outlook on work and life—and avoid the complainers.
- Say yes. Offer your time and expertise when co-workers ask for help. Encourage others. Use kind words. Volunteer to take the lead on a new project. Approach your work with a “can-do” attitude, and you’ll be surprised by how much more you can get done.
- Don’t take things personally. It’s easy to assume someone having a bad day is angry with you, but that’s often not the case. Insulate yourself against negative energy by learning to let go. If a real problem develops, approach it calmly and professionally.
- Focus on the positive. Humans are hardwired to focus on the bad news first because recognizing danger keeps us safe. Combat that training by deliberately finding a positive takeaway in every negative situation. With enough practice, your “positivity habit” will become second nature.
It’s a fact of life: sometimes your plan fails. You don’t meet productions goals. Your day goes sideways.
But if you maintain a positive attitude, you’re more likely to learn something useful, develop new skills, and succeed in future opportunities.
Learn more about what employers want in candidates: Get Hired Quicker: 4 Soft Skills Employers Want Today
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