New Boss in Town? Here’s How to Adjust

It’s the end of an era.
After a fantastic run together, you’ve just received word that your boss is leaving – and you’re seriously bummed. You were so in sync. You knew what to expect. And you worked really well together.
The more you think about it, the more worried you become. What will their replacement be like? What’s going to change? What if they’re an absolute nightmare?
You may not have control over a change in management, but you do have control over the way you respond. So do everything you can to get off on the right foot! Below, PrideStaff offers practical tips for adjusting to your new boss and building a great working relationship:
Be prepared – but don’t make assumptions. Check out LinkedIn and do a quick Google search to learn what you can about the new manager before they start. Be careful, however, not to infer too much about their personality or management style from online information. Resolve to keep an open mind during the first several weeks of the transition.
Be cautious. Your new boss will most likely have basic knowledge of who you are, but be prepared to re-prove your value to the organization. During the first few weeks, strive to make a positive first impression by rededicating yourself to your responsibilities. And even if your old boss “cut you some slack” when it came to long lunches or personal calls on company time, don’t take these privileges for granted. Maintain your good reputation at work by following the rules and doing your job well.
Be optimistic. Take a “glass half-full” approach, and consider the positive aspects this change may bring. Your new boss may:
- have great new ideas to share;
- become a real ally who promotes your career growth;
- improve processes, culture, productivity, motivation and more.
Things will be different, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Keep an open mind, and be as flexible as possible.
Put yourself in their shoes. New management obviously means changes for you, but your boss is going through a period of transition, too. As such, they may be experiencing anxiety, just like you. Keep this point in mind as you size your manager up. If they initially seem uncomfortable or short-tempered, try not to take their actions personally. These behaviors may simply be in response to the pressure and uncertainty they’re facing – and likely temporary.
Ask questions early and frequently. While you don’t want to bombard your new supervisor, strive to learn as much as you can. When appropriate, ask questions about their:
- management and work style
- preferred methods of communication
- expectations for you and your team
- biggest concerns and pet peeves
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