Sayonara, Job Loyalty!

The average person spends 90,000 hours on the job during their lifetime.
That’s a looong time to be frustrated or unhappy in your work.
In years past, staying in a position for years was commendable – even if it meant compromising on fulfillment and growth. But in today’s upwardly mobile society, loyalty to one company (no matter how great they are) can hurt you in the long run. Here’s why:
You may become taken for granted. If you always do a stellar job or make yourself available at all hours, co-workers and supervisors will become used to that standard. At some point, the incredible effort you put forth stops being viewed as exceptional in others’ eyes. And instead of being viewed as hard-working, dedicated and amazing, your boss may just take you for granted.
You may miss out on other opportunities. When you’re unflinchingly loyal to your boss, you immediately discount job opportunities that fall into your lap. What’s more, you close yourself off from actively searching for positions which could be perfect for you. Make your career growth – not your boss – your highest priority. It’s your right (and in your best interest) to consider other options.
You may stagnate. If your career seems like it’s on cruise control, you may fall asleep at the wheel – and stop asking the vital questions that keep you moving upward. Every six months or so, ask yourself these three questions to make sure your loyalty isn’t holding you back:
- Is my job taking me closer to my ultimate career goal?
- What new skills have I learned in the past year which make me more marketable?
- Can I take the next logical step in my career with this employer?
Ready to say, “Sayonara”?
If you’ve determined that it’s time to go and you already have a job offer in hand, make sure you’re choosing wisely. To determine if the new opportunity is really a good long-term career move for you, consider the following four factors:
- Responsibilities. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the work you’re doing, the employer’s expectations and how success will be measured.
- Salary. Do a little research via online salary calculators to determine the market rate for your position. Adjust for your experience level, as well as geographic and other compensating factors.
- Opportunity. Would this be a lateral move or a real step up? Consider, too, how much potential there is for growth and promotion within the new organization.
- Culture. Even if the opportunity looks amazing on paper, you need to determine if you’ll really mesh with the new work environment. Reflect on whether your values align with the employer’s, and if the culture is a good match for your personality. Salary and growth potential are important, but they won’t matter for long if you’re unhappy.
Just contemplating a job change? PrideStaff can help.
Our staffing specialists will examine your skills, interests and career goals. We can conduct a confidential job search on your behalf while you continue working.
With offices across the nation, and a wide range of administrative jobs, professional jobs, IT jobs and light industrial jobs, we can match you with an opportunity that moves your career forward. Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about great local job opportunities.