The Top 5 Hiring, HR and Management Posts from 2017

PrideStaff’s Watercooler blog provides business executives, managers and HR professionals like you with practical advice to make you and your organization more successful. Each year, we add dozens of posts on workplace topics ranging from interviewing to employee retention.
If you haven’t been a regular reader, no worries; today’s post will get you all caught up. Below, we’ve summarized PrideStaff’s most popular hiring, HR and management blog posts from 2017. Before the calendar flips, resolve to read these posts – and prepare for an amazing New Year!
2017’s Best HR, Hiring and Management Blog Posts
Here are the Interview Questions You CAN’T Ask
During a job interview, asking questions about sensitive issues like marital status, religion, disabilities or lifestyle choices can spell big trouble – ultimately leading to discrimination or wrongful-discharge lawsuits. But illegal interview questions aren’t the only type you should avoid. If you’re asking any of the following types of interview questions, you’re putting your company at risk – and driving top talent away:
Regardless of industry or functional area, hiring managers want employees who can develop and execute creative solutions to business problems. How can you tell if a candidate has “the right stuff”?
The next time you need to hire a proven problem-solver, try one of these interview questions to gauge problem-solving abilities:
To Test, or Not to Test? That is the (Employment) Question
As our nation continues legalizing recreational drugs like marijuana for personal use, more people are pushing for the abolishment of workplace drug testing. Should you test your employees for drug usage or not? Only you can decide what’s right for your organization. But before you do, consider the pros and cons of workplace drug tests:
How to Spot and Stop the Job Hop
Frequently changing jobs is not a unilateral reason to reject a candidate (especially when the applicant makes moves to advance their career), but how can you tell if a potential employee will stick with you – or leave you high and dry? In this post, PrideStaff shares tips to spot job hoppers – and ultimately hire a stable, productive team of people committed to your company:
Selling “Skilled Trades” to Millennials
Skilled-trades positions are suffering from a bit of an “image problem” with younger generations. Millennials, in particular, stigmatize blue-collar jobs, viewing them as mindless, dirty and dangerous. How can you convince our current and future workforce that blue-collar roles are viable career paths? This post covers three approaches for selling skilled-trades opportunities to millennials:
As we look to 2018, PrideStaff’s resolution remains the same: to consistently provide experiences focused on what you value most. We hope the coming year brings you peace, joy, success – and a lot more opportunities for us to work together.
From all of us at PrideStaff, best wishes for a great New Year!