Territory, Site Selection and Build-Out

Office and signage visibility are key components to establishing and building brand recognition and recruiting credibility in your local market. PrideStaff offices should be convenient to where the workforce lives and/or shops. Below are examples of how we identify potential territories and outfit our offices.

Stand-Alone Market

Our protected territories are generous in size and defined by ZIP Codes. The following factors are taken into consideration when designing a PrideStaff territory: number of employees/jobs, concentration of companies, white-collar and blue-collar business, clusters of competitors and logistics.

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Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

Larger MSA markets are divided into multiple territories that are relatively equal in opportunity. 

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Office Exteriors

Office Layouts

Floor Plans

* Floor plans are designed with an open concept for a free-flow of information and synergy within the office.


Sample Demographic Report »
Sample Territory Information »

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